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The "Strong Back" fitness plan is a comprehensive program designed to help you build a strong, toned back. The plan includes a variety of exercises that target the different muscles in the back, including the lats, traps, rhomboids and lower back muscles.


The plan includes a series of instructional videos that demonstrate proper form and technique for each exercise. These videos will guide you through the exercises step-by-step, so you can be confident that you're performing each movement correctly. The exercises included in the plan are designed to improve your overall upper body strength, posture and stability.


The workout routine for this plan includes a combination of strength training exercises for the back. The exercises are designed to target the different muscle groups in the back and are chosen to provide a well-rounded workout.


It is important to remember to always listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable for you. With dedication and consistency, you will be on your way to building a strong, toned back in no time! This plan is suitable for all fitness levels and can be easily modified to suit your individual needs and fitness level.

UnBREAKable Back Development

$5.99 Regular Price
$2.99Sale Price
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